How To Easily Create Consistent Social Media Content That Engages With Your Community
Social Media - such an incredible tool for any small business owner out there.
But let’s admit…it can be draining to constantly have to come up with new creative ideas to engage with your community and stay consistently “on brand”.
There’s no doubt about it, Instagram can be a powerhouse for your business to generate leads and get yourself out there in the online world, but working with so many small business owners over the years, we constantly hear about the struggle of creating social media content, and the exhausting amount of time it can take…The truth is… It doesn’t have to be so hard!
In this article, we’re going to share 5 key tips that will ensure consistency and save you time on social media so you can show up strong online, and have more time to put back into running your business!
tip 01: batch work your content
Basically, batching is scheduling a set amount of time in your day, week or month to work on one specific task only.
To be able to focus on one task for a certain period of time allows for more focus, room for strategy planning and overall big picture thinking, in turn, saving you time and energy for the long run!
It’s difficult, and very time consuming to switch from multiple tasks and projects on a daily basis. The energy you put into starting just one task alone is sometimes more than the task at hand!
By batching your social media content planning into one period of time, weekly, for example, you can plan and schedule out your entire week of content, then only jump onto your social accounts to engage on a daily basis. Saving you the time each day to think of a new post or create new content, when you’ve already spent the time strategically planning it out in advance.
tip 02: get yourself some social media templates
Social Media templates are GAME CHANGERS for your business that ensure consistency across the board in all of your social postings.
So…what exactly are they?
Social Media templates are a set of thoughtfully designed graphic templates, already sized to the Instagram posts, story posts and Facebook post dimensions so you can easily plug your text and image content to create social media content with ease.
The best part about Social Media templates? They are completely customizable! If you find a template you love, you can completely transform it with your own branding colours, fonts, images within seconds, and use these templates for your own social media.
If you’re struggling with your social content and are curious to learn more about Social Media templates and want to find the right template for your business, visit the link below to learn more!
tip 03: use a grid planning app
There are so many apps out there now-a-days, some free and some that you pay a small monthly fee to use to plan out your social grid content.
We are big fans of the Planoly social media grid planning app because it allows users to pull in a tonne of content and also allows for an easy click and drag of our content to re-organize our feed so it looks the way we want it to!
We like to think of our social media feed as a portfolio of our business and service offerings, so we strongly believe in the importance of planning it out in advance so it looks cohesive and attractive as a whole!
tip 04: have a solid plan
Having a plan for your social media content goes hand-in-hand with the batch working phase of your content.
You’re not just creating content for the sake of being present on social media. You need to ensure that each of your social posts provide value to your community, ultimately leading to the bottom line of your business.
It’s important for you to strategically look at the time period you are creating your content for, and ask yourself the following:
What important things are happening within this time period? (ie. Holidays, events, promotions?)
What does my community need to know?
What is important to sell or promote during this time period?
What do my clients need and how am I going to help them?
What are my competitors doing, and how can I show up stronger and differently?
How can I add value to my communities social feeds?
If you ask yourself the questions above when you are planning out your content, it’s very likely that your engagement will grow, and so will your business!
tip 05: analyze the analytics
One thing small businesses owners don’t tap into enough is the FREE social media analytics and insights on your social content. If you’ve registered your social account as a business, you automatically get access to the insights behind each of your posts!
Accessing and analyzing this information is KEY for content planning. You can see what posts have performed the best, what demographic you are engaging with the most, at what time of day your engagement is the highest and SO much more!
Make use of this free data to analyze and plan out how you can show up stronger in the future, stick with what’s working, and eliminate what’s not.
Unsure how to access your Instagram Insights? Visit this link here!
Looking for help with your social media?
Our Canva social media templates may be the right fit for you! Our DIY option allows you to play and plug your content and get you posting pronto!